If anyones been around me the past coulpe of days, maybe even weeks, have seen me with a heavy heart. This has come a lot from me not being satisfied with Christ. The majority of my bondage has come from the condemnation I'd put upon myself for struggling with the problems that I have. I'd litteraly say to myself "What is wrong with you? Why can't you just be content in the Lord?." Which really didn't help anything out at all. When we speak and believe that condemnation over ourselves we begin to bind ourselves to those issues. Does that make sense? We begin to produce an atmosphere of unbelief and hopelessness cause we put the burden upon our shoulders instead of God's.
I accepted the Lord as my savior, not as my coach. He is the muscle that produces the results. Whether it'd be plowing the soil, sowing the seed, watering the seed, or even producing the fruit. It is all his work within us. We get the privledge to come into agreement and rest within that work.
His finished work in redeeming us, frees us to do what we were made to do. That is to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and rule. Our old selves are physicaly incapable of doing any of that, but our new selves created in Christ Jesus have been made free from the power of sin and death to subdue sin and death and reign over them in life.
So when we begin to see problems arise or things out of alignment within us. The best thing to do is thank God for revealing the problem and pray for him to bring our minds back in alignment with reality. It is absolutely silly that we begin to beat ourselves up for making a mistake. God isn't doing that... why should we? God says that he holds no condemnation over us. I think that he in fact takes joy over us when we finally begin to understand that we cant do it. Luke said that God is like "Good job Robert your finaly getting it. Now get over it."
So take joy when you face adversity for God is on your side and is mighty to save. He wants you free and he wants you to reign in life more than you want to. Thank and enjoy what God is doing and be patient for what he is going to do.
Date Levi
14 years ago
1 comment:
I thought this was a beautiful line, and a very good statement.
"I accepted the Lord as my savior, not as my coach."
Your writing is becoming better and better, It is really well written.
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