Friday, January 9, 2009

Thy Will be Done!

We often pray "Thy Kingdom come and thy will be done" but do we fully understand what we are asking. What does it mean for his kingdom to come? What does it fully mean for HIS will to be done.

I have many dreams and aspirations that I desire to happen in my life. Some are from the Lord and some are from me. I pray that as I read his word that it'd cut and divide out and seperate his will from mine. Anyways, one of my dreams is to have a job that would provide for my own financial needs and have enough to provide for others in their need. It's a really deep desire within me... but God's will for my life right now is to not have a really good job, to not have enough money to provide for others. Instead I'm actually needing to borrow money from others.

Not exactly what I'd percieve to be glorifying to him but who am I to complain about what he has given me. His will is good, pleasing, and perfect. His ways are higher than mine. My mother was getting amazed at how blessed I am with awesome friends that will help me out with money and give me rides when I need them. It took me being broke and my car breaking down for her to see, but none the less she saw it. I don't really consider this suffering for Christ's sake. It's more laying down my wants and desires for his. His are so much better! That's why I can't exactly say it's "suffering" for Christ.

As I submit more and more to his will, the more he'll be glorified as his foolishness will confound the wisdom of this earth. I feel that it's like the breaking of a dam. Right now nothing seems to happen but the more I submit to his will the more the pressure builds. Then one day that dam is going to break and a flood will come. This flood will be glorious to see. In that day I'll be able to declare the works of the Lord in my life. As people see his glory shine through my life they will say "surely this is the work of God". I don't desire my life to be a great but for it to inspire greatness in those who see it. That it'd stir people to lay their lives down in submission to a God that is good to all who trust in him. For that is better than any treasure this earth can yield. Stirring people to Love God... there just isn't anything better! Nothing compares to blessing the one who has eternaly blessed me.

So this is for those who have unmet dreams and desires. God may one day provide for them. Some are never meant to happen cause it's not the best... but! His dreams and desires are so amazing. If you desire joy and peace, then thank God and continue to submit to what he's doing. I know it sometimes seems unfair as you see others enjoy what you are waiting or longing for, but God has something great for you. Something greater than what your longing for! You just have to endure the wilderness. Endure with faith, cause just as the sun sets it is sure to rise! He'll take your mourning and weeping, and turn them into laughter and rejoicing. So be patient... for God is patient with you.

Continue to pray for his Kingdom to come and his will to be done. It might take you through roads you don't want to go down, but you won't regret it! Not one bit.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Smelling Roses in the Dessert.

Sure, I feel desolate. As if the land I'm in is barren and lack the fruit to satisfy my needs and hungers. Sure there is alot of things that I don't have and things I'm waiting for.

But... today I have beautiful flowers given to me in this desert time. I don't want to forsake the flowers he's given me in waite for the promise land. Sometimes I get so caught up in the dry and desolate places that I don't enjoy the beauty before me now. It's such an important thing to thank the Lord for the small things. It might be small to you but it's important to him. He wants to show his love in every way and form. That we'd begin to see the full dimensions of his love towards us.

Lord help me to smell the roses in this dessert time. Lord I want to be thankful in all things praising you for everything you give to him. Each day is a gift from you with purpose and plans to prosper us and make us fruitfull. Lord if I am to cry tonight let it be tears of joy instead of tears of pain. For you are worth more to me than that...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Eternally Blessed

Today is just another day. Wether I have money, wether I don't... wether I do something extraordinary or wether I relax... it doesn't matter. It's all the same in Christ. Always loved... always blessed... never changing.

I am righteous today wether I make a mistake or wether I stand strong. I am blessed wether I lose something dear to me or I gain something beautiful. I am strong wether I struggle with feelings or rejoice in all circumstances.

I am convinced this morning that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. Nothing can change who I in him. NOTHING! Wether be in my death or in my life may he be continuously glorified. Cause for me... I am blessed no matter which road he takes me down.

I am also convinced this morning that in Christ I am not affected by this world. Sure feelings can rage but Christ is always the same. Always faithful, and always strong. I will place my trust in him and find my security for eternity in him. For he is an unmoveable fortress. Nothing can overtake his will. I'm going to submit ot that and enjoy him. His will is beautiful and awesome! His kingdom is filled with righteousness peace and joy! All that which I long for and desire is found in him! I will be with him for eternity in Christ. Eternaly secure and blessed in a love that is so beyond my understanding!

This morning I feel so separate from this world. Aware that I am not of this world anymore. May today be filled with you and may I radiate your beauty today, Lord. That others may see you and find you...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

There is a lot of things where you have a longing and desire before his provision for you. Why is that? Why does God allow me to suffer in need for any long periods of time? Is God not good to his people? Does he not do things to build and prosper us?

God gives good gifts to his children. He never gives bad gifts to his children. It is a gift to suffer need before the Lord. He allows us to suffer need to drive us to pray and prepare our hearts to recieve the provision.

For me I have a need that alway seems to weigh on me. Something that I have to always lay at the Lords feet in patience for his will. Learning to lose myself in full awareness that I'll find myself in Christ. Some might concider me weak cause I'm always struggling with this. It never seems to lift. There are times where I get on top of it with complete faith and joy in waiting... other times its kicking my keester and my emotions are all over the place. They never rule me but they do get out of control.

Not to be a downer but suffering need is a fight. It's a daily battle of laying it down and dieing to your desires for a season so that God can redeem and resurrect it in it's propert time. He made us with desires and needs that are healthy, but we need to position those needs in Christ. Who we are needs to die off in these areas so that Christ can live through us.

God is constantly wanting to show how good and awesome he is, but we have to be willing to step out of the way and let his will be supreme in our lives.

I encourage you who have a need to not seek out to satisfy the need, but instead wait upon the Lord and suffer it as a momentary affliction for the sake of Christ. For these momentary afflictions are nothing compared to the glory to be revealed in you when God finally steps in and brings provision. He's not slow as we think, but is quick to do his work within us.

So take heart and praise God for what he is doing. It is no small thing to wait upon the Lord...

God of my strength.

Her I am,
stained with dirt and pride.
Yet you still love me,
and hold me tonight.

Lord you know me,
you see my every fault.
Yet you chose me,
and you clothed me in righteousness.

God of my strength
God of my need
You are stronger in my weakness.
I will trust
I will rest
For you are stronger in my weakness.

I am filled,
with mistakes and regrets.
Yet you see beauty,
say I'm lovely in your eyes.

I am so anxious,
So impatient with you.
Yet you quiet me,
and bring peace to my heart.

God of my strength
God of my need
You are stronger in my weakness.
I will trust
I will rest
For you are stronger in my weakness.