Sunday, January 4, 2009

Smelling Roses in the Dessert.

Sure, I feel desolate. As if the land I'm in is barren and lack the fruit to satisfy my needs and hungers. Sure there is alot of things that I don't have and things I'm waiting for.

But... today I have beautiful flowers given to me in this desert time. I don't want to forsake the flowers he's given me in waite for the promise land. Sometimes I get so caught up in the dry and desolate places that I don't enjoy the beauty before me now. It's such an important thing to thank the Lord for the small things. It might be small to you but it's important to him. He wants to show his love in every way and form. That we'd begin to see the full dimensions of his love towards us.

Lord help me to smell the roses in this dessert time. Lord I want to be thankful in all things praising you for everything you give to him. Each day is a gift from you with purpose and plans to prosper us and make us fruitfull. Lord if I am to cry tonight let it be tears of joy instead of tears of pain. For you are worth more to me than that...

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