Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hope and Pray

I will continue to walk through the fire in hope that one day God will make beauty from these ashes. Until he does... I will continue to stand in faith. I will stand until I die or he does his work... whichever comes first. I didn't choose this path cause I thought it was going to make this life better. It has in fact made my life hard... but I decided to walk down this path cause I fell in love with the Lord.

I hope and pray that one day I will see the goodness of the Lord with my eyes, and not just by faith. I keep saying this season of pain has an end but it just keeps lingering on. I pray that the Lord will do his work within me, however long it takes...

Today I will spend the whole day studying in humble servatude to my savior. He has given me this path for a reason and I will not forsake it for selfish pleasures.

I don't understand why I am the only one this way... but I pray, if it is my weakness that causes me to hurt the way I do, that the Lord would fix me. If it is not than I pray that the Lord would sustain me through this time. 

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