I find that I start questioning the Lord whe my circumstances are bad. Kind of like how Job did. It's in the times when there is no sight that I need to press in faith all the more. By sight it seems like my walk with the Lord is doing terrible. I mean constantly everyday I am asking people to pray for me (not a bad thing) but it makes me feel like I'm constantly "messing up". If that's even possible for me to do...
But I need to base my trust (faith) in God off of what his word says. He said that these trials I'm in are producing patience, and that patience is doing a perfect work within me. By sight it seems/feels like he's almost abandoned me. I don't feel his presence, day in and day out I fight with sorrow in my heart. Not the easiest thing to admit to but there you have it.
I need to have blind faith, cause sight will only make me question his word. The things that have been made and will ever be made is founded on his word. With his Word he created everything that is. So obviously his Word has authority over all things. If he told a moutain to become a valley... NOTHING can prevent his Word from coming to pass.
So if God says that if I trust in him and lean not upon my own understanding, and in all ways acknowledge him, he will direct my paths. Than no matter how lost I feel in the transition. He will guide my steps! If I keep my eye's on Christ and not me than he will perfect my faith. If I trust my God to answer my prayers and not my ability, God will produce his kingdom here on this earth.
Today I will have blind faith cause my eye's, heart, and mind decieve me this mornning
Date Levi
14 years ago